Copyright + Clearance


Spider-Man wasn't terrorizing the city, he was trying to save it! It's slander!


I resent that! Slander is spoken! In print it's libel.

A clear chain of title to your film production is essential to its successful distribution. Ownership of every element of a motion picture or television project must be identified and the right to use it owned or licensed, from a story’s source to the contribution of the last person listed in the credits.

DeepFocus Entertainment Law searches, negotiates, and clears all necessary rights to indie narrative and documentary features. Documenting these rights is vital to a project being covered by errors and omissions (“E+O”) insurance, which is essential to streaming and theatrical distribution. E+O insurers generaly require an attorney’s legal opinion letter describing clearance procedures and results, and most distributors will not accept a film without proof that copyright has been fully cleared.

Privacy and personal rights must also be considered. Documentaries, narrative films, and scripted television projects alike may be the basis for claims that the filmmaker’s exercise of First Amendment rights unjustly interferes with the rights of a person or corporation portrayed.

Slander, libel, defamation, trade libel, false light, and right of publicity claims can all be prompted by filmed entertainment. When they are, indie producers may be exposed to liability–or at least to the expense and time required to defend them in litigation. Advertising and marketing of films too can implicate these legal issues. The firm reviews materials at all stages, advising and guiding filmmakers so they can tell their stories without unacceptable risk.
